When was your last Well Woman Exam?
If you've been dreading or avoiding your annual exam because you don't want to sit in a sterile room wearing a paper gown with your feet in cold stirrups, you're not alone. Many women feel so uncomfortable at annual check ups that they avoid them altogether. Don't let that be the case for you! We invite you to our cozy office to experience your Well Woman Exam in a more comfortable, home-like setting.
Well Woman Care
At Hattiesburg Midwifery, our goal is to serve women throughout their lives - from the onset of menstruation until menopause. We offer a variety of services Well Woman Care including annual exams, family planning education, and pre-conception counseling. Our goal is to establish relationships with the women that we serve, and empower them to take control of their health and their care so that they can live happy, healthy lives.
At this 60 minute exam with Amanda Smith, CPM
you'll be offered the following:
Comprehensive review of your medical history
Time to discuss any concerns or complaints
Suggestions for contraception
Review of nutrition and exercise routines
Complete, head-to-toe physical exam
Pelvic exam, PAP, and breast exam
Lab work
Annual Exams are $150.
Labs may be billed to insurance, and any lab fees are in addition to the cost of the exam