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William's Birth Story

By Hattiesburg Midwifery Mama, Abigail Sherman

I knew I wanted to have a home birth after getting to see my baby sister born at home. I'm thankful for the wonderful births I had with my first 6 babies with CNMs at the hospital, but that longing for a home birth never left me. When the L&D wing of the hospital I had used for all of my babies was shut down, I was sort of at a loss. I started asking other pregnant friends where they were getting their prenatal care, and I narrowed my choices down to a few providers. At our consultation visit with Amanda, I knew I wanted her to be MY midwife! I was impressed with her knowledge during my prenatal visits and she was even able to help me alleviate some issues I had dealt with during my previous six pregnancies! 

My due date was March 3rd. We passed that up as I expected we would. Every day after that was filled with either consistent, strong Braxton-Hicks, or very few. 

March 6: I was awakened around 3am by some "real" contractions. This was my 7th baby, so I knew what to watch for. They stayed right at 15 minutes apart until about 6 and then I was able to sleep some until 7am. Once I got up, they slowly spaced out, but were still pretty strong. I notified Amanda and told her I would keep her posted. And I let my mom know that she should probably go ahead and come (she lives in Arkansas). Even if this was prodromal labor, it was just a matter of time! 

Stephen was off, so we decided to go ahead and take care of errands in town and just stay together all day. I got my last pre-birth adjustment from my favorite chiropractor, we picked up feed, groceries and coffee (very important!) and did a few other things. Got home about 1:30pm and ate lunch. Contractions were still strong, but 20-30 minutes apart. I got a nap, took a walk, rested a bit, and started supper. Contractions came back to around 15 min apart and were getting stronger by 7pm.

Mama made it in, we ate supper, visited, and got the kids in bed. By 8:30pm, contractions were under 10 minutes apart. I touched base with Amanda around 9 and told her I was going to try to rest, but knew I couldn't sleep through those contractions! By 10:30, spacing was 5-8 minutes apart. Stephen told me to tell Amanda to come and he was going to start filling the pool. He said, "We'll have a baby before 2am!"

I started feeling nauseous (which is usually transition for me!). Amanda told me she was on the way! I moved to the guest room and bathroom to continue labor and adjust. Any interruption or change makes me skip contractions and the next one is brutal! Amanda got here a little before 11:30, took my vitals, checked baby's heartrate, and started setting up. By 12pm, contractions were 2-4 minutes apart and SO strong. I labored sitting on the birthing ball between contractions, and bent over the bathroom counter during. Stephen would rub my back until things got so intense that I preferred not to be touched. I vaguely knew that Amanda's assistants arrived. They were quiet and efficient!

March 7th: Around 1am, I asked if I could get into the pool yet. I was getting tired and needed a little relief. I got in and that warm water all around me was the most heavenly feeling ever! I mostly knelt over the side of the pool and worked through a few more contractions. Amanda checked baby's heart rate again. I'd have a few contractions right on top of each other, then a break. It seemed like they were spacing out. But the next couple I started to feel the need to push. Then I got sick. Transition had arrived. I knew we were almost done!! A few more contractions, and Amanda suggested that I change positions and sort of recline to help baby get into a better position. Two contractions like that and the urge to push was irresistible. I let the next one build and pushed hard. I felt his head move down and felt that "ring of fire". I remember smiling through the pain, because I knew we almost done! I felt the top of his sweet head and breathed deeply preparing for the next push. My water broke and his head came out. I remember hearing Stephen telling me to breathe, but I knew his head was nearly out and I had to get there! A few deep breaths and the last contraction came. I felt his slippery body slide through my hands as I pushed him the rest of the way out. The relief, the adrenaline, the joy - everything - overwhelmed me. Amanda scooped him up and placed him in my arms. My sweet William - my rainbow baby - was finally here. I pulled him to my chest, half crying/half laughing. Praise God, we did it! 

I was helped out of the pool and dried off within a few minutes of him arriving. Laying down on the bed felt so lovely! The ladies started cleaning up and Stephen and I got to check out our newest little boy. He had long fingers and toes, big feet, and light hair. He had a strong, deep cry. And he acted like he was starving. He immediately found his thumb and was sucking it! I rested for a little bit then brought him up to nurse. He took to it easily and nursed for 20 minutes total.

Amanda, Madison & Whitney came back and finished clean up and got ready to check William out. Amanda checked out every part of him gave him a clean bill of health! He was 8lb. 4oz. and 21in. long. He was bigger than my three girls, but smaller than his three big brothers. I was just happy he was here and it was all over! 

Recovery from a home/water birth was so different from a hospital birth. There was no having to ride in a vehicle during active labor (which I always dreaded). There were no monitors or IVs or cuffs attached to me. I could move and do what I needed to. Amanda checked on baby's heart rate between my contractions, when I was ready for her to. She never checked me, touched me, or told me what to do. We had discussed during my prenatal appointments that she would be letting me do what my body told me to do, and would only make suggestions as she saw it might help. Knowing this, I was more aware of what my body was doing and what I needed to do. Also, tearing is always one of my birthing aversions. Soaking in the warm water for 25 minutes before he was born helped that issue tremendously! I didn't tear and the soreness was almost completely gone within 2 or 3 days, instead of the normal 2 or 3 weeks! I was amazed!!

Amanda came back 2 days postpartum and 5 days postpartum to check on us both. Stephen is now a fan of home birth. He loved not having to leave his house and sleep on a hospital couch for 2 or 3 days! Lol! We were very comfortable with the delivery team and how they handled everything. He could be with me, but still feel productive as he worked on small projects over the next few days. If we have another baby, we plan to do this again!

I'm so thankful that I finally got my dream birth! Amanda and her team were sweet, efficient, knowledgeable, comforting, and excellent at their job. 10/10 recommend Amanda as a midwife!

And 10/10 recommend a home/water birth!

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